Generations of Faith
Generations of Faith is a Sunday School class designed for ALL ages and is meant to provide an opportunity to learn together as a community of believers. While older folks in the church have acquired wisdom worth sharing with younger folks, it is also true that young people have much to teach those of us who are older.
Here is what to expect each Sunday: Breakfast bars and a variety of beverage options are available. Class begins at 9:45 a.m. with prayer, Scripture readings, a video clip, and brief lesson on the topic of the day. Afterward, participants choose from a variety of learning options, such as group discussion, music, art, prayer practices, or other interactive media. This hybrid class is taught in-person in the Fellowship Hall with an option for people to participate virtually through Zoom. Currently, Sherrida Crawford is leading the class.
Bible Studies
Throughout the year, a variety of Bible Studies are offered on Zoom. Watch for details on upcoming studies in the church bulletin and on our Facebook page.
Pub Theology
For anyone who is looking for a different space to gather and share ideas, Pub Theology may be just the thing. No doubt, Pub Theology groups, which are springing up around the country, are taking an old idea and making it new, because since the founding of our nation, the local pub has served as a location to discuss theology and other matters of importance. The Pub Theology template is simple: beer, conversation, and God.
Pub Theology is not a Bible study group. Nor is it an opportunity to proselytize or convince people that “we” have all the answers. Instead, it is sacred space to listen to one another, to enjoy a drink, to deepen relationships with old friends, and to build relationships with new ones. If this is a ministry that interests you, make plans to join us on the 2nd Thursday of each month, 6:oo p.m. at Coyoacan Mexican Restaurant- 515 St. Augustine Rd (Please note that non-alcoholic beverages are available.)
Zoom Book Club
FPC’s Book Club gathers on Zoom on the 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 5:30 p.m. to discuss a book. We read fiction and non-fiction materials that encourage, challenge, and promote deep and enlightening discussions.
Thus far we have read such works as Barbara Brown Taylor’s Learning to Walk in the Dark, Elie Wiesel’s Night, Steven Charleston’s Ladder to the Light, Lori Erickson’s Holy Rover, Sara Miles’ Take This Bread, Marilynne Robinson’s Gilead series, and many more. Details for upcoming books are announced in the bulletin and on the church Facebook page.